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Do Solar Panels Void Your Roof Warranty?

Everything You Need to Know About Solar & Your Roof Warranty

As most Denver homeowners know by now, installing a roof-mounted solar panel array will involve some amount of puncturing your roofing system. Because of this, homeowners may have concerns. A very common question we are asked here at Elite Roofing & Solar is: Do solar panels void your roof warranty?

While installing solar panels generally shouldn’t affect your roof warranty, there are a few key details and caveats to be aware of. In addition, there are still pitfalls to avoid when installing solar panels. So today, we’re breaking down everything you need to know for a successful solar installation that won’t impact the health of your roof.

Modern home with solar panels on roof Elite Roofing & Solar in Denver, CO

Do Solar Panels Void a Roof Warranty?

In general, installing solar panels will not void your roof warranty. This is because, while a new solar array will create some risk of damage to your roof, a successful solar installation includes careful precautions taken to ensure the roofing system will still function as it did before.

That said, a solar installation can impact your warranty if it’s done poorly. This is an important caveat to keep in mind. In addition, it’s important to be aware of all the warranties and guarantees impacting your roof, from your workmanship warranty to produce warranties. 

In that realm, here are some key things to keep in mind as you install solar panels on your roof.

Know Your Roof Warranty

Generally speaking, a roof will be covered by one of two types of warranties, if not both: a workmanship warranty, covering the labor and quality of installation, and a product warranty, guaranteeing the lifespan of the products used to install your roof.

Workmanship warranties are provided by your roofer, and they may have exceptions for solar. Typically, however, workmanship warranties don’t protect your roof for long—usually anywhere from 1–5 years, as installation errors will often crop up within this span of time.

Material warranties, on the other hand, may cover your roof for anywhere from 10–50 years, depending on the type of material used in the construction of your roof. Within this timeframe, if deficiencies are found with your roof shingles, tiles, or other material, your manufacturer will cover the costs to fix them.

Material warranties such as those offered by Owens Corning or GAF require your roof to be installed by an expert roofer certified in their roofing products. When it comes to solar, these warranties often won’t be affected as long as you involve a professional roofer in the installation process. However, it’s a good idea to check with your roofer and the manufacturer before moving forward.

Work with a High-Quality Solar Installer

As mentioned, installing solar panels can void your roof warranty if the roofing system is damaged during the installation process. The best way to avoid this is simply to work with an expert solar installation company. 

Truly experienced solar installers understand the potential risks to your roof and will take necessary precautions to ensure the installation process does not negatively impact its lifespan. In many cases, the best solar installers will work with a roofing company to complete inspections both before and after, as well as any needed repairs or touch-ups.

Better Yet: Work with Elite Roofing & Solar!

The easiest way to avoid roof problems when installing solar panels is to work with a company that has expertise in both roofing and solar installation. At Elite Roofing & Solar, we’re one of the few Denver roofing companies who aren’t just solar vendors—we actually complete the solar installation, as well. This means we’ll protect your roof every step of the way, ensuring all penetrations are done expertly and your roof is not compromised by your solar array. 

In addition, we provide our own warranty covering the area of your roof where panels were installed, providing you even greater peace of mind.

Solar panels don’t have to void your roof warranty! When you work with our professional team at Elite, your roof—and solar array—will perform exactly as they should. Book your solar consultation today!

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