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How Supplement Specialists Can Help You Maximize Your Roof Insurance Claim

Make Sure Your Claim Is Reviewed by a Roof Insurance Supplement Specialist

For most homeowners, your roof insurance policy covers your entire roof as a system. That roofing system includes much more than you might think, as homeowners sometimes overlook aspects like gutters, soft metals, and more. Unfortunately, insurance companies will sometimes overlook these components as well—and this is where a roof insurance claim supplement specialist comes in.

A supplement specialist can review your insurance claim to ensure all parts of your roof replacement are accounted for. At Elite Roofing & Solar, we have a team that specializes in insurance supplements, helping our customers maximize their roof insurance claims and ensuring key parts of the roof are not overlooked during the adjustment process.* Here’s what you should know about supplements to your insurance claim.

What Is a Claim Supplement in Roof Insurance?

In insurance, a supplement is effectively any changes that need to be made after an insurance adjustment. Insurance adjusters will make an estimate with various line items adding up to the total cost of your roof replacement. Supplements include elements of insured property (i.e. your roof) that may have been overlooked, but that are crucial in the functioning of your roofing system and are covered by your insurance policy. 

Why Is a Supplement Necessary?

Supplements are necessary for a couple of reasons. First, mistakes can happen! Insurance adjusters are not professional roofers, and while they do have experience in their field, they don’t have the same experience as a roofer, nor the knowledge of what needs to be accounted for when it comes to assessing the value of a roof.

More importantly, though, supplements help homeowners ensure their insurance policy is being exercised to its fullest. Homeowners insurance policies often include rightful coverage for things that the insurance provider will not include unless it’s pointed out.

For instance, insurance estimates may leave off line items for things like gutters and other soft metals, the roof of a shed, or even code upgrades that may be necessary to keep your roof in compliance.

How a Specialist Can Maximize Your Insurance Claim

Roofers who specialize in insurance supplements are well-versed in insurance policies, and in particular are familiar with the elements of roofing systems that are often left out of insurance estimates. 

Their combination of roofing and insurance knowledge helps homeowners get the maximum value from their claim and generally get more value overall. After all, the items that supplement specialists identify are things that the policy rightfully covers and that should be included in the original claim you’ve filed.

Always Work with a Storm Damage Expert

Not all roofers will have a team dedicated to insurance supplements. Generally speaking, this will only be offered if the roofing company in question is particularly experienced in storm damage repair, replacements, and restoration.

At Elite Roofing & Solar, our supplement team emerged as a way to help our customers more easily navigate the process of filing a roof insurance claim. As Denver roofers, storm damage is a regular occurrence, and delivering the best roofing quality means we need to know all the ins and outs of the insurance policy.

Elite Roofing Can Help with Your Roof Insurance Claim Supplement

Our supplement team at Elite Roofing & Solar is here to help homeowners get complete coverage for their roof replacement wherever possible. Many homeowners simply don’t know that certain parts of their roofing system will often be overlooked by insurance providers. Our team at Elite will read the fine print for you to help you get the value you deserve.

Was your home damaged by recent storms? Reach out to Elite Roofing & Solar today to book your inspection. 


* NOTE: Elite Roofing & Solar and its authorized representatives are NOT acting as Public Insurance Adjusters and will not negotiate with insurance on Customer’s behalf.

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