Professional Roofing Denver: When to Replace or Repair a Roof

If your roof is showing signs of wear and tear from severe Colorado weather, it is a good idea to consult one of Denver’s professional roofing companies. Between Gail force winds and heavy snow fall, properties throughout the city have sustained serious damage as of late. Depending on the severity of damage, oftentimes roofs can be repaired rather than completely replaced. Only a professional Denver roofing company can help you make such a determination.

When to Repair
If you have noticed a few torn or damaged shingles, or a wind gust has removed some singles from your roof, chances are a simple repair job can do the trick. Depending on the age and state of your existing roof, an experienced, professional Denver roofer should be able to help you save the integrity of the rest of your roofing system. However, it is also important to keep in mind that blemishes visible from street level may be more extensive upon closer inspection. Be sure to talk to your roofing professional about matching your existing shingles as closely as possible. An obvious patch can be an eyesore or even a red flag to potential future homebuyers.

When to Replace
One of the most important factors in determining if it’s time to replace a roof is total cost of ownership. In some cases, repairing can prolong the life of your roof for another year or two but end up costing more in the long run. If your roof has sustained serious damage or is showing signs of deterioration due to age, it is likely a wise investment to go ahead and replace. When considering a repair vs. a complete replacement, be sure to ask for quotes for both. Depending on the size of the repair, you may find that the cost of replacement is only fractionally more. If you plan to stay in the home for years, a complete replacement may be a wise investment. However, if you plan to sell in the coming years ask yourself if your existing roof is in good enough shape to appease a potential buyer.

Leave it to the Professional Denver Roofing Experts!
Once again, a professional Denver roofing company can help you make this determination. Inspecting a roof can be dangerous and requires an expert eye. Do not attempt to inspect your roof on your own. At Elite Roofing we provide free, no-obligation roofing inspections for this very reason. Our team of highly trained and experienced roofing inspectors is on hand to help you determine if a repair or a replacement is needed. We may even find that your roof still has a few good years left before either needs to take place. Stop stressing about the health of your roof and allow us to provide you with a detailed inspection. Schedule your free roof inspection today!

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