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Your Roofing and Solar Installers in Denver

The Best Solar Installers in Denver Know Roofing, Too

In the solar industry here in Denver, it’s very common for companies to paint themselves as solar installers when, in fact, they merely sell the solar contracts. Then, when it comes time to complete the installation of your solar array, it will be a separate company that comes to your home to actually complete the installation.

Here at Elite Roofing & Solar, when we pivoted from roofing to include roof-mounted solar in our offerings, we wanted to do things right. After all, we’ve been dedicated to Roofing Done Right since our founding, and it only made sense to be committed to the same quality in solar.

This has led us to bring all solar installations fully in-house, with solar installers as part of our staff alongside our Denver roofing experts. This makes us one of the very few companies in Denver that offer both roofing and solar installation completely in-house. Here’s why this is a major benefit to you as a homeowner!

Why Work With a Roofing and Solar Company?

There are many benefits to working with a roofing and solar company—one that has roofing expertise and will actually install your solar array, as well. Here are a few of the best perks!

One Company for the Full Installation

When working with solar installers in Denver, it’s often the case that you won’t be working with just one company. In many cases, a third party is subcontracted to do the engineering and installation after the contract has been signed.

While this can still result in a fully functional solar array, if anything ever goes wrong with your solar panels, it can be difficult to know who to call. In fact, we’ve heard from many homeowners who installed a solar array and then were bounced around on phone calls from company to company, each saying their problem was the responsibility of someone else.

With our team of expert solar installers, you know exactly who to call: Elite Roofing & Solar. While certain problems may be a manufacturer’s issue, we’re still your point of contact and our team will be able to help resolve any issues you may face down the line.

Valuable Roofing Expertise

We’ve previously discussed the value of the partnership between a roofing company and solar installers. Your roof is critical for protecting your home, and the last thing you need is solar installers compromising your roof ahead of the legendary storm seasons we face here in Denver.

The truth is that while solar companies know how to get your solar panels up and running, they just don’t have the roofing expertise of a seasoned roofing contractor. This means there’s a high likelihood of solar installers damaging your roof as they walk around on roof tiles or shingles and drill holes through your roof’s surface.

Working with a Denver roofing company that also has solar installers on staff ensures the best possible coordination of expertise. At Elite Roofing & Solar, we’re able to provide a lifetime warranty on any portion of your roof that’s touched during installation of your solar array. We carefully inspect your roof before and after installation to ensure not only the functionality of your solar panels, but of your roof as well.

A Streamlined Installation Process

A common result of working with roofing companies who only sell solar, and don’t install panels themselves, is delays. The roofing contractors who do the best job selling solar panels will often wind up with unsatisfied customers who purchased their panels months ago but have not had installation even begin.

By having solar installers on staff, we’re able to streamline the solar installation process. At Elite Roofing & Solar, we don’t need to coordinate roofing inspections with another company because all parts of your solar installation are handled by our team. The only timeline hurdles we face are with the city and your electric provider. We have solar installers on our team who can handle all permitting, engineering plans, installation, and other aspects of solar installation to ensure your project goes smoothly—enabling you to save money on your energy costs that much sooner. 

Elite Roofing: True Roofing and Solar Installers in Denver

We’ve always believed in Roofing Done Right here at Elite, and those values extend to our solar offerings as well. With a dedicated team of solar installers on staff, we’ve been able to remove many of the most common headaches from the solar installation process for our customers. What’s more, our expert roofers are still here and ready to protect your home. Between our solar installers and Denver roofing experts, you can be confident that both your roof and your new solar array will be built to last—and save you money for years to come.

Ready to go solar? Work with one of Denver’s only true roofing and solar installers. Schedule your solar consultation with Elite Roofing & Solar today!

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