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Little Known Facts About Roofing Companies Who Offer Solar

Here’s What Roofing and Solar Companies Can Do for You

At Elite Roofing and Solar, we feel the partnership between roofing and solar companies is an ideal pairing that brings our customers incredible value. This is because both roofing and solar companies are experts in their own fields—and when combined, you get the best of both worlds.

Elite Roofing & Solar has partnered with SunPower to bring our roofing customers the best roof-mounted solar solutions possible. Through both of our companies’ skills, years of experience, high standards, and commitment to service and customer satisfaction, it’s a partnership that truly can’t be beat. Here are some of the lesser-known reasons why working with a roofing company that also offers solar opens the door to some truly unique benefits.

Avoid Roof Damage During Solar Installation

The biggest benefit of pairing a roofing and a solar installer together is that you get the confidence of knowing your roof will be fully protected. Installing any kind of equipment on your roof introduces some risk of damage. Damage can occur due to foot traffic, as roofs aren’t built to withstand this, or from penetrations through the roof’s surface.

While installing solar panels won’t void your roof warranty with proper planning, that risk remains. But roofing and solar companies are able to work in concert to ensure your new solar array doesn’t compromise the integrity of your roof. Before installation, we can inspect to make sure your roof is solar ready. And once your solar array is up and running, we provide a post-installation inspection to ensure all penetrations are properly sealed and no roofing damage was left behind.

Access to Roofing Warranties

Solar installers typically provide warranties covering all components of the solar system they install. Crucially, however, those warranties don’t extend to the areas of your roof where solar panels are installed. This means, when you work with a solar installer alone, you’ll be left with the bill if installation compromises your roof and you’re faced with problems years later.

At Elite Roofing & Solar, we stand behind our residential roof repairs and replacements with our Roof Shield Lifetime Warranty. This warranty demonstrates our confidence in the workmanship and skill of our contractors—and for solar installations, we extend this warranty to all areas of your roof that were penetrated while installing your solar array.

This means if we miss any damage that occurred as a result of your solar installation, we’ve got you covered with the resulting repairs. The Roof Shield Warranty ensures your roof’s health will not be affected by installing solar panels—and it’s something that solar companies can’t offer without a roofing partner like Elite Roofing & Solar.

A Local Contact for Your Solar Roofing Needs

Elite Roofing & Solar has built up a strong reputation within our community over the years. With excellent reviews and high marks for both quality and customer service, we’re well known for Roofing Done Right throughout the Front Range of Colorado—and we’re proud of that record.

Many solar installers don’t have a local presence, as there are few truly local solar manufacturers. But by working with a solar company that’s partnered with a well established roofer, you gain the peace of mind knowing that you’ll always have a contact close by. Since we’ll be around for decades to come, you can have confidence that we can provide necessary repairs and stand behind the warranties covering the roof beneath your solar array.

Elite Roofing & Solar: The Best of Roofing and Solar Companies

By teaming up, roofing and solar companies provide many unique advantages that combine to help our customers get the most from their roof and solar array. Between our roofing expertise and SunPower’s status as the nation’s leading solar manufacturer, you can be confident that your roof and solar array will both stand the test of time.

If you’re ready to make 2023 the year you go solar, book your consultation today!

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