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Colorado’s Costly and Deadly History of Hail

Colorado Has a Long and Storied History of Hail Damage

If you’ve lived in Colorado for any length of time, particularly in Denver or anywhere on the Front Range, chances are you’ve experienced property or roof damage due to hail. Colorado and hail damage go hand in hand, and while we don’t experience the same raw volume as a state like Texas, we still have multiple top-ranking counties in terms of hail risk.

Of course, hail storms can vary in intensity and the overall cost of damages. While some hail storms leave behind only dings and scratches, others are much more catastrophic, and Colorado shows up frequently on the list of costly and deadly hailstorms in North America

As storm damage experts, our team at Elite Roofing & Solar has a lot of experience helping homeowners recover from hail. So today, we’re sharing more about Colorado’s history of hail havoc and why hail is so common here.

Our History of Hail Damage

Colorado has a storied past when it comes to hail damage. While weather tracking was relatively unreliable for much of our history, there are still many entries for notable storms. Here are some of the biggest events:

  • Fort Collins, 1979 – Our history of hail damage is costly—and sadly, sometimes deadly. The 1979 hail storm that swept through Fort Collins produced hail up to the size of grapefruits, some of the largest on record. Thousands of homes and automobiles were severely damaged, around 25 people were injured, and tragically, an infant was also killed.
  • Denver, 1990 – Denver has a tumultuous storm season, and hail events typically happen multiple times per year. The 1990 storm was truly legendary, however, creating softball-sized hail that did around $625 million in damages—right around $1.5 billion in today’s money.
  • Denver, 2009 – Did we mention that Denver is no stranger to hail? Elite was in operation during the 2009 storm, and we spent long months helping homeowners to recover. This hailstorm ravaged the western suburbs and left $770 million of damage in its wake.
  • Denver, 2017 – Somehow, all of those pale in cost compared to the damage done in 2017. The worst hail storm our state has seen, the 2017 storm destroyed vehicles and obliterated roofs, ultimately dealing $2.3 billion in damage.
  • Morrison, 2023 – Even today, with sophisticated early storm warning systems in place, hail storms can absolutely cause injuries. A storm in 2023 pelted the Morrison area, including the Red Rocks Amphitheater, injuring more than 90 people and even hospitalizing around half a dozen.

The Recipe for a Perfect Storm

a hail stone measuring 2 inches that could damage a roof

As you can see, hail damage is common here in the Centennial State, particularly along the Front Range, as residents and experienced Denver roofers will tell you. Why does this happen? Well, unfortunately for us, the Front Range creates the perfect recipe for hail formation, leading to many hail events each year. 

We’ve written a full explanation of the Denver hail storm season previously, but we’ll sum things up here. Hail forms in severe thunderstorms largely due to updrafts, which keeps water droplets high up where temperatures are colder. These droplets freeze and collide and begin clumping together, forming hail which eventually falls when it becomes too heavy to stay aloft. 

While hail forms frequently in many severe storms, it often melts before reaching the ground. But if the ground is at a higher elevation, like here on the Front Range, there’s less time for hail to melt—meaning more hail strikes the ground, roofs, cars, and everything else down here on the surface.

No Signs of Slowing

All across the Front Range, residents can expect hail storms just about every year—it’s just a question of how much damage they’ll do. A Denver storm in May of 2024 also reached Wikipedia’s list, and significant hail has hit northern and northeastern Colorado as well.

What can residents do? The best course of action is to monitor weather reports and exercise caution to keep yourself and your family safe, as hail can still cause injuries. After storms pass, we always recommend getting in touch with a local roofer to complete a hail damage inspection and determine whether and how severely your roof was affected. This will ensure your home stays protected and keeps the elements at bay.

Top Hail Damage Experts in Colorado

At Elite Roofing & Solar, we’re renowned as hail damage experts here in Denver and throughout the Front Range of Colorado. As a locally based company, we’re more than familiar with the sheer destructive power of these storms. Our seasoned experts have the skills and keen eye needed to identify hail damage and make prompt, effective roof repairs.

If you’re in the path of the next Colorado hail storm, don’t hesitate to give our team a call! Schedule an inspection today.

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