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How to Choose the Right Roofing Contractor

The Top 5 Questions to ask before choosing a roofing contractor.

Elite Roofing Colorado | Brownstone

In Colorado, there are literally hundreds of roofing companies to choose from. Colorado has been hit unusually hard with hail this summer; whether you’re in Fort Collins or Colorado Springs, you know what we’re talking about. With storms as large as we’ve had comes a host of out of state roofing companies trying to generate business here in Colorado, and pawn themselves off as “local.” But how do you choose the right roofing contractor?

Well, we’ve tried to break down the top 5 tips below. You need to be skeptical of any roofing company that doesn’t have a brick and mortar location here in Colorado because of the risk you assume as the homeowner, should their work fail. Those out of state companies may offer you a warranty, but what good is it if you cannot find them to redeem the warranty work?

The Colorado Roofing and Restoration Council came up with the five of the questions you should know the answer to before choosing a Colorado roofing contractor:

1. Are they Local? Check the salesman’s ID and take notice of their vehicle’s license plate to be sure it is a Colorado license plate.

2. Are they Licensed and Insured?  Request a copy of their current insurance certificate and city license.

3. Are they a Certified contractor? Being certified through major shingle manufacturers ensures they a credible contractor with product knowledge. For example, Elite Roofing is an Owens Corning and GAF certified roofing contractor.

4. Are they an Accredited member of the Better Business Bureau with at least an A rating? The BBB rating is important because it gives a realistic view on how the business carries themselves, and how they deal with customer complaints.

5. Do they have a Referral List? This is possibly the most useful tool as it gives you a chance to call other homeowners the roofing contractor has personally worked with, and gives you the opportunity to ask about their experience with that particular roofing contractor.

Choosing a roofing contractor, or any contractor at that, can be difficult. Consumers are always concerned about whether or not they are getting taken advantage of and if they are getting the best deal, as they should be. Work with a roofing contractor that makes you feel comfortable and isn’t trying to “wheel and deal” you. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is just that.

Elite Roofing & Solar in Denver is an A+ BBB accredited business and is an Owens Corning and GAF Certified Roofing Contractor. Our office is located off of I70 and Quebec here in Denver, with service areas extending as far north as Fort Collins and way down south in Colorado Springs. Each salesman provides a list of references of other homeowners they have worked with for you to follow up with. We believe in providing the highest level of service and the highest quality workmanship. For a free roof inspection please feel free to fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or if you prefer, give us a call at (303) 296-0361.

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